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Friday, May 22, 2009

last dance!

OK, so last night was our recital! Well, mine and Kaycee's, Kelsie's was on Monday! It was crazy fun! It was nice of Kelsie's friend Levi to come and bring her flowers! I did good on my dances it was exciting! Right after our dance Whip It we had to change into our next costume in 45 seconds! I made it barley! I have 4 costumes. The brown dress is for Lyrical, the blue sparkly outfit (that i don't have a pic of!) is for jazz, and the checkered shirt with a vest and leg warmers and gloves is for hip hop! (no pic either!) Then for pointe I am a tree, in Alice in Wonderland. There are no trees and come alive in Alice! I don't think those costumes are very cute. No one ever knows what we are people call us weeds, moss, anything except trees! O well. Anyway I had a fun time performing!


Allie said...

How cool! I had a dance recital 2 weeks ago which I should probably blog about! I bet you did great and I love all of your pictures!