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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


well this is gross! Anyway, so you now how I am on the yearbook staff? Well today the honors life science class (I am not in that class!) they had to dissect frogs and fishes, and I had to go and take pics! Ewww it was soooooo gross! People were digging into the fish and ripping the scales off! ( I forgot to say that it stunk really bad in their!) People were pulling out things and saying I found the whatever thing they pulled out! One person found the stomach and someone else said cut it open and see what it ate! GROSS!!!!!!! And they did it! They they were cutting the eyes in half and it was squirting stuff everywhere! Then they had to dissect the frog! Poor frog! (I didn't really care about the fish, because they were just gross!) They were a really pretty dark green with light green spots! Then people started tearing them open and taking out their insides! I couldn't stand it anymore so I left! I am so glad I didn't have to do that! My friend Lydia she cut off the leg of the frog and the eyeball of a fish and put them in a bag to keep! I have no idea what she is going to do with the! She is gross and weird! She also said the eye feels like a marble! EWWWW! sorry Lydia I just had to say that! Well that is what happened today that was gross! Please agree with me!


Tiff George said...

I TOTALLY agree with you - gag a maggot! Or, as Braiden would say, "Ewwey gooey!" I had to dissect a frog in 10th grade, and I let the other people in my group do all the work because I couldn't stomach it...too gross for me!

Allie said...

OH Briana that is so gross but brave of you to take pictures!! That is so sad about the frogs...

Tracy Beckett said...

I LOVED dissecting frogs in junior high! It was quite interesting to me...sorry I would have been the ones looking at the body parts interestedly...but I love you so! You are a cute little chicken girl! Tee hee!

Unknown said...

That is disgusting. EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW! I remember in my science class they brought in a cow. But we didn't have to do anything like that. Brave you though you took pictures.
Love you,
Love Maddie

Unknown said...

Yeah so brave of you to take pictures! You weren't there when me and Elizabeth took all the guts out and cracked the backbone! Not to mention I threw the stuff away right when I got home.

val said...

That is pretty nasty! It brought back the memory of the smell from when we did it in 7th grade.... I'm sure your Dad would have enjoyed hanging out in there and teaching the kids how to such out the fish eyes! But so cool that you are on yearbook staff!!!